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Sue Blackney in front of the American Red Cross "Crossroads Club" in Colombo, Ceylon, 1944. Photo from Don Kleiner.
GIs M. Wikey and R. D. Lichty in front of Queensway Barracks in November, 1942. See alternative image here.
CBI map mural at cemetary in Manilla, in 1988. Photo from George C. Pappas.
Heavily loaded sign post along Ledo Road, Burma, 1945.
Sign at the China-Burma border at Wanting, China, regarding the Ledo Road. During WWII.
Billboard with painted image of Stalin in China during WWII.
Confusing military signs in Mandalay, during WWII.
Victory "V" over shoe store in China at the end of the war, with the four flags of the Allies.
Eye-catching sign along the Ledo Road encouraging GI drivers to slow and take care on their way to China, during WWII. Photo from Frank Wright, 885th Ord H.A.M. Co.
Col. Sells and two Chinese soldiers stand next to sign at the Burma-Ledo Road and Tengchong cutoff, in 1945. Photo by T/Sgt. Syd Greenberg.