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Ledo Road

Eye-catching sign along the Ledo Road encouraging GI drivers to slow and take care on their way to China, during WWII. Photo from Frank Wright, 885th Ord H.A.M. Co.
Bridge under construction along the Burma or Ledo Road during WWII. US Army Signal Corps photo from Joseph L. Singleton.
Col. Sells and two Chinese soldiers stand next to sign at the Burma-Ledo Road and Tengchong cutoff, in 1945. Photo by T/Sgt. Syd Greenberg.
Irrawaddy River bridge near Myitkyina, Burma, on March 2, 1945. Ledo Road, miles 261. Photo from Henry Behner.
An American GI poses next to a heavily loaded sign post along the Ledo Road during WWII. Photo from C. C. Carter.
"Typical view of a native home near Tagup, along the Ledo Road in Burma." During WWII. Photo from Leroy Nordt.
GI leans against sign at junction of Ledo Road and the Burma Road, during WWII. See variation of this image here.
A road sign along the Ledo Road. The styling of the sign is testimony to the large number of African-American drivers and personnel on the road. Photo from George E. Pollock.
Aerial view of the Ledo-Burma Road, January 28, 1945. In the CBI. US Army Photo.
Burma Road sign at Hsipaw, Burma, during WWII. May 4, 1945. Photo from Anthony J. Vesich.