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Bengal Air Depot's main camp street. Photo Delbert J. Wood.
Village inhabitants in India listen attentively to headman who has assembled them. Photo from Delbert Wood.
An Indian woman carries two huge rocks on her head at a construction site. During WWII. Photo from Delbert Wood.
Sadhu holy man on steps to Ganges River during WWII. Photo from Delbert J. Wood.
Mr. Tong, as photographed by J. Ellis Wood. In the CBI.
Joi Pei and good buddy J. Ellis Wood share a moment together for a photo op. Photo from J. Ellis Wood.
Air crew members of the 491st Bomb Squadron pose with the B-25H "Wabash Cannonball" at Yangkai, China. In back are Lt. Orlando W. Wood (pilot) and Lt. Walter H. Finne (pilot) with S/Sgt William H. Matthews (flight engineer), Cpl. George W. Burns (radio) and S/Sgt Robert M. Hickey (gunner) in the front. (Information provided by Tony Strotman)