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An air crew of the 491st Bomb Squadron pose in the revetment with B-25J #439, "Niagra's Belle", at Yangkai, China. Sitting are T/Sgt Henry P. Albro (radio) and S/Sgt Arquimidas L. Matos (gunner). Standing are (l-r) Lt. Seymour Mazer (navigator), Lt. Eric M. Hexburg (pilot) and S/Sgt Frank A. Koncolics (flight engineer). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
American servicemen with the B-25H "439", of the 491st Bomb Squadron, at Yangkai Air Base, Yunnan Province in the CBI. In unknown order they are identified as Lt Vincent J. Piazza, Jr. (bombardier), S/Sgt Arthur E. Jones (negineer-gunner), T/Sgt Raymond G. Jeanes (radio- gunner) and T/Sgt Scott F. Mitchell (armorer-gunner).
Maintenance and support personnel take the opportunity to pose together, with the B-25J, #439. 491st Bomb Squadron, Yangkai AB, China. Does anyone recognize these men, or have any additional background to provide? Please contact us.
Some combat crewmen of the 491st Bomb Squadron, with B-25J. #439, at Yangkai, China. They are Lt. Trent Biswell (pilot), Lt. Robert M. Blake (pilot), S/Sgt William J. Copeland (gunner) and S/Sgt Murray Bogel (gunner). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
A B-25J of the 491st Bomb Squadron, drops bombs on a target somewhere in SW China or Burma. Named "Niagra's Belle", the squadron assigned combat id number '439' is visible on the tail and on the nose.
A 491st Bomb Squadron B-25H, tail #439, in formation flight somewhere over China. Look carefully above the tail to see two more B-25s just below the large cloud.
491st Bomb Squadron aircraft #438, a B-25J appears smooth in formation flight in spite of large, turbulent clouds filling the China sky behind it. Notice the barrels of three .50 caliber machine guns sticking out of the nose of the aircraft. One is a flexible gun, used by the bombardier or navigator to defend the nose from attack. The other...
B-25 "Niagara's Belle", #439. Pete Bertani , Yangkai, 1945.