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A B-24 in the CBI, with heavy storm clouds overhead.
The horrific results of a crash of an aircraft built on the B-24 air frame somewhere in the CBI.
A B-25 as seen from under the wing of an Air Transport Command (ATC) C-109 transport plane based on the B-24 air frame.
Pancho's Virgin, a transport plane based on the B-24 air frame. In the CBI during WWII.
Some men stand before the B-24 "Wham Bam! The Flying Tin Can" in the CBI, which was the aircraft David Firman flew into China, on, flying into Hsinching.
American and Indian service crew members pose for the camera in front of a B-24 up on jack and undergoing maintenance. 61st Air Service Group.
A C-109 based on the B-24 airframe named 'Jeanne' in the CBI during WWII. Serial #4251721. Five camels painted near pilot's window indicates five trips over the Hump. From the collection of David Firman, 61st Air Service Group.
A B-24 named 'There and Back' in Assam, India.
A B-24 named 'Miss Behaving' in the CBI.