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374th Bombardment Squadron

B-24L "Chuck's Chicken Coop," #44-41451, in the CBI during WWII. "B-24s in my squadron."
Sgt. Vern P. Martin posing with helmet and carbine in China during WWII. In China, mostly 1944, at only two postings, Luliang and Chenggong, near Kunming. In service period from November 6, 1942 to January 18, 1946. He was a member of 308th Heavy Bomb Group of the 14th Air force, serving in China during 1943 & 1944 "as a...
We will soon provide here the story of B-24J L.A.B. bomber #42-100040 and crew that disappeared on May 26, 1944. Crew names were: 2nd Lt. Rex D. Arnold - Co-Pilot (OK) 2nd Lt. Seymour Goldsmith - Navigator (NY) S/Sgt. Matthew O. Kelsey - Gunner (CA) T/Sgt. Paul J. Koerner - Gunner (MD) S/Sgt. Anthony S. Kryscio - Radar Operator (PA)...
Kosta (Jack) Xita, lost in the CBI during WWII in 1944. Engineer. Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) #5346
Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) #5346 describes his loss. He flew over with the B-24 bomber airplane itself and was an early member of crew, from Pottsville, PA. Newspaper reports at the time said this was his first mission in China on coming from India (although other personal accounts make it his third mission.) Only two short letters from him...
The B-24J "Lakanooki" in the CBI during WWII, with revetment visible behind. "A. B. Gerland, 1st Lt. A.C." Serial #42-73244.
2nd Lt. Lyle L. Schulzkump, pilot of B-24 #42-100040, that disappeared on May 26, 1944, on a L.A.B. mission. About this flight, of a Consolidated B-24J-65-CO Liberator, says: "Crashed into mountain 50 mi S of Mengtze, China near present border of Vietnam May 26, 1944 while on radar recon mission to Hainan Island. All aboard killed. From China Up...
B-24 bombers in flight over water, with land in the background. Note the different paint scheme on the two planes, and shark teeth on the right plane. Tail number 440780 on the left plane should make this "Red Hot Riding Hood," with the 374th Bombardment Squadron, 308th Bombardment Group.