This is a set of text and images provided by Thomas E. Davis in 1983, and they can be viewed in order via the image panel below. These images were collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup (through reader submission) over many years of publication, and provided to the Remembering Shared Honor project.
In the CBI during WWII.
Here is text of letter from Mr. Davis attached to images:
The enclosed photos were taken by me during 1944-45. I was a staff Sergeant/Boat Caption wit the 327th Harbor Craft Company based at Camp Togoa at the Barrackpore Road north of Calcutta.
Except as noted, I do not have names to go with the pictures. I hope some readers can and will make identification.
Have been in touch with Fred Fratyke out in Iowa.
Jon Davis
Somerset, NJ"