On 8 May 1943, ten B-25 bombers of the 341st Bomb Group, 11th Bomb Squadron, targeted Tien Hoa Airport, Canton. While the formation was approaching the target the plane piloted by Capt Douglas Weaver exploded just as bomb bay doors were opening.
The remaining aircraft dropped all of their bombs in the target area scoring three direct hits on the main hangar. Large fires were observed in this area with billowing black smoke columns rising 10,000 feet into the air and visible for fifty miles. Several other fires were noted in the storage area with four to six enemy planes believed destroyed.
The cause of the aircraft explosion could not be determined, but was believed to have been premature detonation of the fragmentation bombs carried in the plane. All crew were declared KIA.
It is particularly tragic in that Weaver, Lyman, Frederick, and Kelly had been part of the original cadre (Crew #30, Project 157) and flying combat missions in China since July 1942.
Click here for Missing Air Crew (#16368) Report for this incident.
Pilot Capt Douglas C. Weaver
Copilot 1Lt. John B. Lyman (enlisted from Los Angeles)
Navigator 2Lt Frederick B. Lee
Bombardier S/Sgt Elden E. Shirley (not shown above)
Engineer-Gunner S/Sgt George Kelly
Radio-Gunner S/Sgt Hubert F. Blades
PhotoGunner S/Sgt Thomas H. Cave (not shown above)
(Sgt. Carl W. Banston, shown on the far left in the image above, was not on that flight and thus not lost with the crew.)
None on hand as of 25 Nov 08.

Image (with annotations), and much of text, courtesy of Tony Strotman.