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GIs Build Pipeline

February 24, 1945--A coupling crew of the 779th Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company puts in a cable for pipeline suspension over creek near K-852. T/5 H. Christenson operates "coffin hoist," Sgt. Robert L. Rich keeps an eye on anchor in ground, as T/5 Clarence D. Faulk and Sgt. Edward Lucas look after cable clamps on "A" frame.  Photo by T/5 George Kocourek.

February 24, 1945--A coupling crew of the 779th Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company puts in a cable for pipeline suspension over creek near K-852. T/5 H. Christenson operates "coffin hoist," Sgt. Robert L. Rich keeps an eye on anchor in ground, as T/5 Clarence D. Faulk and Sgt. Edward Lucas look after cable clamps on "A" frame.

Photo by T/5 George Kocourek.

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Submitted by Tony'sson37 on Sat, 07/17/2021 - 13:03

My father, Anthony Hunter was with the 779th in 1943-45. Would like to hear of any stories from anyone who is familiar with this company.

Ex-CBI Roundup Collection