Frank B. DiPaola, Private First Class, Missing in Action (MIA) in the CBI during WWII. Originally from Hartford, CT, he was lost with three other members of the crew on a flight from Jorhat, India, to Chengtu (Chengdu), China, on 15 May 1944, while flying in a C-87 (a variant of the B-24 airframe modified to carry cargo), as part of India-China Wing, Air Transport Command (ATC). The members of this flight were:
1) Pilot: 2nd Lt. James D. McDowell
2) Co-pilot: 1st Lt. Carl F. Christian
3) Radio Operator: Clarence I. Anderson
4) Crew Chief: Frank B. DiPaola
Click here to see the Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) for this crew.
(Image at the top courtesy of friend of Frank DiPaola, Thomas J. McGann.)